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Abstract Waves

Fast Forge

What was the aim for Fast Forge? The aim of fast forge was to work in a team to develop a small game. How long did it take? Fast Forge was created over a semester by me and 4 others members of the team.

The premise of our Fast Forge game is a shop in which a blacksmith repairs and creates new weapons for customers. The player will earn currency and will be able to upgrade their shop. They must complete this as quickly as possible to reap the best rewards. Customers will get annoyed, and pay less for delayed weaponry and armour. Inspired by Cake Mania and other games of the genre. My tasks consisted of: Level and game Design (to assist with scale, theme and layout for engine and art assets) Crafting recipes, and keeping documentation up to date (Excel) Character Movement Balance - how fast the character moves from area to area. (Pacing from object to object compared to order requests) Game Loop Design This was paired with all of the crafting times, and also how long it takes for the NPC's to get annoyed and leave the shop, and how long the items take to craft. These are all connected in the game loop also. Feedback System ((result of certain quality of product - sounds- visual- currency etc) Characters cheering, visual anger, grunting, "grrr" - examples that were checked were from Diner Dash) Sound design - Creating sounds for Implementation


© 2023 Mitch Turner

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