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Abstract Waves

Hawkind - Group Work Piece

What tasks were given? The task given for Hawkind was a Junior/Senior project. We were given a team of 23 including myself, and we had to make a game! I was working as production and a designer for the project, so I was always checking up on who was working on their tasks, as well as doing my own. For this project, I did greyboxing, UI, sound design, and character/ boss design. How long did the project take? The project took 1 semester, working in tandem with my seniors and juniors. A total of 6 weeks.

Why did I do the things I did? Was it to fit the narrative? Did I want characters to feel and play a certain way? I laid out the map in a way that it would feel long enough for a single level. The goal was to chase a deer to feed the Hawkind tribe, which then runs into an arena where the boss minotaur is trapped. My goal as level designer was to give the artists a level in which they could make the area look attractive, as well as creating a map which used verticality. I took inspiration from God of War's development videos to enhance my skills - using framing and pacing to enhance the level. While artists were working on 3d assets, the programmers were working on mechanics and animators were creating animations, I wanted to fill in the gaps to make sure that the game would be playable. I then created UI for the game, taking inspiration from the Horizon series to make a basic working UI. I then focused on giving audio to the boss fight, creating custom music in the background with droning vocals. I wanted the theme to be cohesive throughout the game - knowing this, I made sure that all my designs fit to the theme the team and I laid out.


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